It's The Small Things In Life


Again I have to start by apologising for not posting for the past week and a bit but again I haven't been well - starting to sound like a broken record I know but this really is my life! 

Anyway, moving on this week I wanted to start off my talking about the small things in life that can make you happy. This idea came to me when a few words of kindness were given to me on a night where I was feeling a little low about life. The person who spoke these words to me was totally unaware about how their few small words turned my mood upside down and made my day a little brighter. On that note I felt that this post would be a great way to share what I believe are the small things in life that can make even the darkest day that little bit brighter.

A Quiet Cuppa

The first small thing in life has to be a quiet cuppa. There are many times in life when a quiet cup of tea or coffee is exactly what every person needs. Here are just a few:

* There is nothing better than welcoming the day in with a steaming cup of goodness. For me I like a big cup of herbal tea in my 'R' mug from Anthroplogie. I then use the time it takes to drink it to take a moment of quiet to myself to allow my body to come round and then i'm ready to start my day.

* My favourite moment with a quiet cuppa has to be when you share one with a friend. Going for a coffee and catching up on the beautiful moments of life that only two truly great friends can have are what the small things in life are made of. The picture I have below is a memory from a glorious day with a true friend of mine. We took a small moment out of our lives to sit down together with a beautiful view and just enjoy each others company.

* As well as a way of starting the day off right, a quiet cup of tea, I find is the best way to unwind for bed. It allows you to relax and take a moment away from all of the technology of the day. You can spend a few minutes enjoying something delicious whilst getting into the right frame of mind for your sleep.

Overall a cuppa is the one small thing in life that allows a moment of reflection even if you are drinking it with someone special, using it as a way to wake up in the morning or simply drinking it on the move - reflection is always a key component.


Cuddles, they really are an under-rated activity. There aren't many moods you can be in that a cuddle, whether it be big or small can't fix. 

* Pet cuddles for me are the best way to unwind and relax. I truly feel that this really is the epitome of the small things in life. When I am having a down day or I just feel that life is getting to much, I can always turn to my furry friends for love and affection. Pet cuddles in my book can fix everything. Even as I write this I am surrounded by two furbabies - one at my feet and one at my side.

* If there is one person in your life who makes everything okay then cuddles with them can turn the worst day to the best day. Failing that I always find that a cuddle from my mum can make me feel better about everything. Something as small as cuddle can make everything okay again,

Embrace Your Surroundings 

Now I know that Northern Ireland has a habit of accumulating lots of bad press and has managed to get a reputation for being a rather unpleasant place to be at times. It has to be said though, that when the sun is shining there really is nowhere in the world more beautiful than my little island.

I always seem to forget that there really is no place like home. Sometimes I like to take a moment to stop, take a breath and just look at how beautiful my home is.

In this case the small things in life really are to remember what is already in your life. When you think you are down on your luck look for what you already have. You may find that you are the luckiest person in the world already.

It's The Small Things In Life