So these haven't been as consistent recently as I would have liked but I am definitely trying to get my mojo back where my blog is concerned by diving right in and pushing myself. So here we go, this is Friday Favourites - Edition 4.
Why I Love Autumn!
Yay - does a small dance around the room - Autumn is most definitely on its way if it's not already here. I am very much a total fan of this season - I have even done the Autumn tag which you can read here. I have never really been one for the Summer months, I am just not prepared for it. I don't have the right clothing and I certainly don't enjoy being hot and clammy!
My Strange DVD Habits
Okay, so this post has the strangest title as I am sure you are aware but if you know me then you know when it comes to DVD's I am a very strange person indeed. How can you be strange about DVDs I hear you ask? Well let me tell you.
Sleek Cream Contour Palette
Something I have wanted to try out for a long time is cream contouring. I have dabbled here and there with various cream products but I have never actually bought myself a contour palette. I have also never tried any Sleek products so I was quite excited when I spotted this little beauty on a trip to Birmingham.
Bullet Journal - Here's How I Do It This September
The bullet journal is an idea that has fascinated me since I first started reading about it. I have this deep seeded want within me to be very organised and neat - unfortunately, I don't think it will ever happen but it doesn't mean I can't hope. I still watch people like Anna and hope that I can get my shizz together enough to be as organsied as her.
Friday Favourites - Edition 3
Can you believe we are here at Friday again? It's hard to think that we are in September already but I am embracing it. I much prefer the autumnal weather, I guess I just like wearing big fluffy jumpers too much. If you missed last weeks favourites or just want to read it again click here,