Hello... again!

update, lifestyle, me, new,

Well hello there! It's been quite a while since I have posted anything on here and I'm not really too sure why that was. I think towards the end of the year work got crazy and in general I just wasn't very good with managing my time. Since Christmas I have been fighting off a few colds and a few other things were happening and time got away from me.

I don't want it to stay that way however, I am keen to get back into my blog. For no other reason than I love to write these posts and put them up. I think for me it's just getting excited over the things I am posting about.

Although I  have a lot of beauty products and I love doing my make-up I don't always want to be writing reviews over and over again, especially when I like the products but I wouldn't say they are the best in the world. For me a review should be about those products that are outstanding and I seem to stick to the same things or similar - pretty boring aren't I!

The goal for me this year with my blog - even though I'm not really setting goals - is to try and put three posts a week up on my blog - isn't this going well saying as we are in March - as well as post to Instagram more. I really want to get back into taking photographs and getting more beautiful shots of the things around me!

 So this is my first post of 2019 and I am making you a promise to be as active as I possibly can as I loved writing posts when I got my mojo back in October there - did you know I managed blogtober? That's 31 posts - one every day for a month! I know for me that's madness!

For now I will give you a little update of how things are going in 2019!

1. I have been temporarily promoted in work - this is both exciting and scary as I never feel like I am good enough! So just trying my best and absorbing as much information as I possibly can!

2. I went to Birmingham in January so see my very dear friend who I went to Uni with and I could not be more excited - she also got engaged recently which is even more exciting!

3. My best friends hen party was last month - where the hell did the time go!

4. I bought a new duvet and pillows recently - so adult! It was the best purchase ever and I feel like I am sleeping on a cloud.

5. I have decided to try and get healthier and lose a little weight so I am recording all my food on My Fitness Pal and so far I have managed to be consistent with recording! Let's see how long it lasts.

6. I decided that I wanted to go back to bright blonde/white hair so that's what I did last month and I could not be happier! (Check out my instagram to see evidence of that)

7. I have redeveloped an obsession with The Blacklist and I'm not one little bit sorry about it!

That's really been it for the start of the year - even though we are now three months in.
There have been a few other things going on but I will be revealing those in the coming months - not to keep you in suspense or anything!

How has your year been so far?

New Year... Same Old Me.... Maybe?

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