I was looking through lists of blog post ideas I had written down and I had made a note about a reverse bucket list. I had first seen this on Golly Miss Holly's blog and loved the idea. I think it's so lovely to focus on the things you have done rather than the things you haven't. It's nice to have goals but it's also nice to look back over the achievements you have already.
Achieved a First Class Honours Degree - Going to university was something that I always thought I would do. It never seemed like I had any other options - in reality I did but it just seemed natural to me that going to uni would be my next step after school. After 3 years of study and one year in industry I left uni with the top grade of degree, a first. At the beginning of my journey I never thought I would be able to achieve it but I worked my socks off and I did.
*On a side note I think I am going to write a series of University posts soon so stay tuned for that.
Travelled Solo - Now let's not get excited I haven't travelled the world or anything like that but I did fly to Paris to meet my friends who were living there at the time. I have also gone to Birmingham, London and Newcastle alone. I did meet friends on the other side but I got myself to the airport and on the flight with no issues.
Gained Permanent Employment - Doesn't seem like a big thing but it is for me. After uni I was a little lost and I had no idea what direction I wanted my life to take. Things seemed a bit of a mess. After a year out, I finally dipped my toe back in the world of work. I began with a part time, temporary post, which was supposed to last 3 months. Almost three years later I am still with the same employer and I am now permanent and believe I am a valuable member of the team!
Bought a Car - I was quite late to the driving game. I was 22 years old when I started my driving lessons and I decided quite early on that I needed a car of my own. My first car was 11 years old and was a lovely silver Clio Extreme. A year and a half late my parents gifted me a Peugeot C3 Desire as it had 4 doors, which meant I could take my great aunt and uncle out at the same time as they were too old to clamber into the back of my Clio. Sadly, there were a lot of issues with my Peugeot and 10 months later I went looking for a younger car - a lot younger. I ended up buying a White Ford Fiesta that was 2 years old. It was the best purchase I ever made and I was so proud of myself that I was able to trade up 14 years!
Adopted a Dog - Ever since I was a little girl I have wanted a dog of my own - I think you all know that by now. There were always pets around my house but they weren't mine. My parents were also the kind of people who weren't going to buy a small child a pet as I would never have known the responsibility or learnt anything from the experience. When I left uni I couldn't get the idea of adopting a pet out of my mind, it needed to happen. So I made it happen. The history of Molly and me is well documented on my blog but it is one of my proudest moments!
Travelled To NYC - I have wanted to go to New York City since I was a little girl. It has always attracted me. It was a place that always seemed to be a dream and never a reality. Low and behold my parents surprised me one day. I went to work in the morning thinking we were going on a family holiday to Lanzarote and when I came home 8 hours later we were booked on a flight to New York. They made my dreams come true and I will never have enough words to say thank-you!
I Went Back To Walt Disney World - I am extremely lucky and privileged to say that as a little girl my first holiday - at age 5- was to Orlando Florida and to Walt Disney World. After this I went back to WDW and Orlando 2 more times, when I was 9 and 12. I wasn't sure when or if I would ever be back but I was so lucky to go back when I was 26. I felt like a little girl all over again and I don't think any experience can make you feel as happy. Here's hoping I can recreate it someday soon!
Been To an International Rugby Match - When I was 16 years old my Great Uncle made me a drunken promise. Now not a man to ever go back on his word he made it a reality. What is this promise you hear me ask? Well he promised to take my and my best friend to Rome to see Ireland play in the Six Nations. He kept his promise and my best friend and I along with my parents, Great Aunt and Uncle all travelled to Rome in 2009. We stayed for 5 nights over half term, saw the sites, ate the food and saw Ireland beat Italy in what became a grand slam year. That was a trip I will never forget!
Seen a West End & Broadway Show - I love going to see shows in a theatre, especially musicals. Up until 2012 I had only ever seen amateur products - which don't get me wrong may as well have been professional as they were outstanding! When I first went to London the friend I was with suggested we go see a show and we decided on Wicked. Well what can I say, I instantly fell in love. It is one of the greatest shows, the music gives me goosebumps and makes my heart want to burst. From that moment on I happily went back to seeing amateur productions and again being amazed at every one. I always wanted to see another West End show but it never happened. Then I went to NYC with my parents and we threw caution to wind and decided to book Broadway tickets and we all decided on Phantom Of The Opera. Well, what an experience. I don't think I can ever explain to you how that moment felt. I will never forget it!
When I see it all written down it seems I have done more in my life so far than I thought.
Here's to the future and the many things that are to come.
What things are on your reverse bucket list?