Now that I have finished my Magic Kingdom posts - read them here, here and here -, I thought before I moved on to the next Disney park - probably Epcot - I would run through the things that I would do differently the next time I head back to Walt Disney World - see my optimism there!
This was the first time that I have ever been able to plan what we were going to do at the parks and therefore, I had a lot of things to learn. I don't think anyone is every perfectly happy with how things go as there are always things that they would do differently. These are the things that I thought of.
1. Don't Try To Do It All In One Day
I know this sounds so simple but with only two weeks in Florida and not wanting to overwhelm my parents by being in Disney World every single day I over estimated what would be possible - especially in the searing August heat. I would try to plan for more half days the next time I am there. Mixing it up between morning until early afternoon and then early evening to the end of the night.
2. Organise My Fast Passes Better
This was the first park we went to on the second day of our holiday so I hadn't gotten the hang of the fast pass thing yet. What I really should have done was plan the fast passes for the first part of the day and then I could have tried to grab a few more things easy afternoon which would have kept us out of the heat a lot more. We live and learn.
3. Explore More Around Liberty Square & Tangled Area
We didn't spend a lot of our time in either of these two areas and as a huge Muppet fan that means I didn't get to see them sing about their vision of American history which I have to say I am a little disappointed about. I also feel that we didn't really go and see the beautiful Tangled area of the park as well as the lanterns. These are both a definite must the next time we go.
4. Use Memory Maker More
As I have mentioned before - think I may do a post on it at some point - we had Memory Maker included in our ticket. It is a fabulous thing and it means you can get lots of official, professionally taken photographs and they appear instantly on your app for you to download. We made more use of this towards the end of our time in the parks but I do think we should have made more use of it in Magic Kingdom and gotten lots more memories at the different spots.
5. Met More Characters
The idea of character meets has always seemed strange to me - there is footage of me as a kid where I clearly wasn't enjoying the experience - but I have to say meeting Mickey, Minnie and Goofy in Epcot was one of the best parts of the holiday for me. It has made me think back and wish I had met more characters, especially in Magic Kingdom. I think when we go back I am going to let loose and meet as many of them as possible!!
There we have the five things that I would do differently if I was back at Magic Kingdom. I feel that every time you go your approach to the rides and how you do things will change and that's never a bad thing.
What would be top of your Magic Kingdom list?