Now that the winter nights have well and truly settled in it can have a really negative effect on your mood. I know for me personally it can be very hard to get up for work in the dark and come home from work in the dark. It can feel like you are missing out on any real hours of daylight.
I have noticed more this year than any year that my mood can be quite down in the evenings so I have put together a list of the little things that help me when I am not feeling my most positive self.
1. Take a hot bubble bath - for me there is no better way to relax and switch off
2. Put on your favourite comfort movie - for me that's either Notting Hill, You've Got Mail or Four Weddings and A Funeral
3. Chat/Text your closet friends - I have some amazing friends and it always makes me feel better to chat to them
4. Light a candle - I love lighting candles in the room I am in, makes everything feel more cosy
5. Read a book - I have recently started reading a few chapters of my book each night before bed and it is amazing how relaxed my mind becomes when I do
6. Curl up in front of a fire - I love being cosy when I am not in a good head space and a fire is an amazing way to do that
7. Have a pamper session - whether that is skincare, doing your nails or whatever you like to do, just treat yourself.
8. Have your favourite snack - we all have something we like to snack on that we associate with positive times
9. Make plans - making plans for the weekend or the week ahead gives you something to look forward to
10. Catch up on sleep - sometimes for me a lack of sleep can make me feel my most negative
There we go, these are ten things that I can recommend to put a smile on your face during these winter months!
Have you any tips?