Now that the winter nights have well and truly settled in it can have a really negative effect on your mood. I know for me personally it can be very hard to get up for work in the dark and come home from work in the dark. It can feel like you are missing out on any real hours of daylight.
Disney Series #12 - Epcot Is Epic
Epcot has always and always will be one of my favourite Walt Disney World parks. Before I went it was the one that I was most excited about going to - although since returning Magic Kingdom has a very special place in my heart.
Blogtober - My Thoughts
Hello it's been a few days since my last post on here - 9 days to be exact - and that was because I felt like I needed a little rest after blogtober ended. Once it finished I had a few thoughts about the process and things I learnt throughout the month that I wanted to share with you.