Okay so I haven't really been away that long but it has been around two months since I have popped a post up here and as much as I want to tell you there is a really good reason for it.. there isn't! I simply lost all motivation and just didn't know what I wanted to write!!
To be really honest with you, I still don't know what I want to write or how I feel about my blog anymore but I know that I do miss writing. I don't miss trying to be a 'brand' or the shiny, rose gold loving, avocado eating, stereotypical bloggers that you see all around these days.
I just want to write about things that interest me and not feel overly pressured - although I am so hard on myself it can be difficult to not feel like I am under a huge strain to do well. At the end of the day this little space is for me and I am so blessed to have cultivated a small number of lovely bloggers who seem to keep coming back here despite the fact I seem to be rather useless at posting any kind of content.
I haven't really been inspired by very much at the moment but I have to say there are a couple of things that suddenly ignited something in my brain and just made me want to sit down here and type again:
My Mum
My mum has always been a huge source of inspiration to me but if anyone knows her they will know that she doesn't believe in herself, or at least not as much as she should. With that in mind recently something within her has changed and she has decided to get back into her blog again as well as start writing a cookery book. She also has been telling me to get back into my blog as she believes in me and loves my writing style. I know she's my mummy but she isn't one to praise you if she doesn't think you deserve it.
The Pioneer Woman
I tend to watch an awful lot of cookery programs with my mum and we have recently started watching Rhee Drummond aka The Pioneer Woman. Among many other talents she is a blogger and that's really where it all began. I took a look at her blog and although she is a food blogger she also posts about her life and weekly updates, even quizzes. It made me stop and just think to myself that I need to go back to basics and live in the moment more, especially where my blog is concerned.
From here on I promise to bring this blog back to what makes me happy, as I believe that will come through in my posts.
There will be more life updates, lots of photography and plenty of adventures with my four legged friends.