It's been a while since I have written a Things Thursday post but I thought it would be nice to bring them back as they have always been fun to put together.
Things This Week
1. I want to finish reading Inferno by Dan Brown so I can move on to Origin.
2. I need to book a hair appointment for May - be organised.
3. I am going to try hard to eat better and to lose weight before Florida in August.
4. I want to get back to exercising 3 times a week.
5. I would like to keep up with posting on the blog 3 times a week - it seems I like three's.
6. I have been sticking at taking my make-up off at night - except when I am drunk that is!
7. I'm getting good at going to bed for half past ten on work nights!
8. Trying to increase my water intake!
9. Been good at giving myself regular gel manicures.
10. Have developed a new obsession with Candy Crush.
11. I recently purchased aPirates Of The Caribbean: Salazar's Revenge - can't wait to watch again!
12. I have almost saved £400 for my Florida holiday and there are four months left until I go!
13. Loving the fact I can sleep with my bedroom window open again and not freeze to death!
14. I am desperate for a shopping trip to Primark - need to sort that!
15. I would quite like a little getaway to somewhere picturesque like Spain or Greece.
There we have my things for this week, I have quite enjoyed putting this together again!
What things have you been enjoying this week?