Random Facts #2 - I Can Sing


singing, hobby, lifestyle, niblogger, random, facts

So I know I promised this would be a weekly feature but things happen. At least I'm back again and this time it's all about singing. Did you know I can sing? 

Yes it really is true! I started taking piano lessons when I was at secondary school but it was never really something that stuck with me. I am musical - to a certain degree - I even played the violin in primary school. I can read music and everything! 

There are some instruments that you want to stick with and others you don't. When my great auntie suggested that instead of just putting on concerts for her in my living room, I should maybe attend singing lessons and start to learn how to control my vocals properly.

I jumped at the offer and that's where it began. I attended weekly lessons, originally I did half an hour of piano followed by half an hour of singing. However, after nearly pulling my hair out over the piano I decided that enough was enough lets just stick with singing. From then on I took on an hour of singing lessons each week and I loved every second!

I have always had a soprano voice, so I am more suited to classical style songs or pieces that are suited to a higher range. I love to sing anything though, pop, rock, really you name it and I will sing it. I do have a tendency to sing it like I was taught so it never sounds very relaxed, a girl can't help how she was taught.

Another thing I did with my singing lessons was to go through my grades. My teacher thought I was capable to bypass the lower grades so we went straight in at grade 5. I completed 5-8 and was very proud of myself as it's not easy to pass the exams. There are so many components to them including sight singing.

Now for anyone who has been through music exams, you will know that you have to play a piece of music by sight - trust me that's a piece of cake. Sight singing is the same thing, you get the first note and then you are on your own. I really am not good at sight singing, it's just not in me!

All in all singing is something I adore. I feel so lucky to have been able to receive proper training to allow me to grow my voice and nurture it properly. The older I am getting I begin to think that I would love to do more with my voice - there is always time, isn't there?

Have you any hidden talents?
Let me know below.

Singing is good for the soul...