Random Facts #1 - I Love Irish Dancing


Irish Dancing, Random Fact, Love, Regret

I'm sure you all saw the Random Facts tag that did the round on Instagram recently, which I was tagged in by the lovely Gillian. That got me to thinking that it would be a pretty interesting - or maybe not so interesting, depending on your view - series to do on the blog. One random fact a week, so here we are!

It may be because I'm from Northern Ireland, or it may be because my great auntie did it as a little girl but when I was still in primary school I took up Irish Dancing. 

I can't say I was ever what you would call 'born to dance', that being said I don't really think I was born to do anything particular, I just give things a go and see how they pan out. Bit like Irish Dancing. My auntie knew a teacher and took me to lessons. 

I learnt soft shoe and I loved every second of it. I actually wasn't that bad at it either, have a few medals and trophies to my name, which for a little girl who was under 10 at the time is quite an achievement. 

I do have to point out that when I did Irish Dancing it was nothing like you see on those crazy tv shows. I did not have to wear a blonde curly wig or look a certain way. I did have a beautiful pink silk lined dress to dance in that had Celtic knots hand stitched onto each pleat. It cost a small fortune for the time but my auntie wanted me to be able to dance in my schools costume - I still have it to this day and it makes me all emotional every time I set eyes on it!


I never learnt how to tap dance! The lady who took tap dancing was too competitive for my nature and took all the fun out of dancing for me so I gave up. Now I have to say that it has never really bothered me as I grew up but over the past while I have really began to miss Irish Dancing.

This might have something to do with the fact that I keep watching and buying Michael Flatley DVDS. Flatley is an Irish Dancing genius! I cannot watch his shows without wanting to get up and try it myself. I can feel my legs twitching like they have some sort of muscle memory - which is highly unlikely after all these years!

I fear that at 26 I may be too old to start dancing again and will just have to continue to live through my Flatley DVDs. It doesn't stop me thinking about it or wanting to try though.

Have you ever done Irish Dancing?
Have you ever done any dancing?

Dance dance wherever you may be, I am the Lord of The Dance said he....