Hello 2018....


Alfie, 2018, New Year, Recap, Old Year, Lifestyle

Well goodness me hasn't this taken me a rather long time to write and post!!
I can't believe I am saying this but we are in 2018 already... how the hell did that happen. Where on earth did 2017 go? Everything seemed to go past in such a blur but there are some great things that happened.

I thought that I would do a round up of my favourite things from the year 2017, as it has to be said the good things really did outweigh the bad when it came to this year.

1. I went to New York City
Now I am pretty sure you all know by now that I went to NYC but lets be honest it was the one place I wanted to go and I still can't believe that I have been. It feels like s a dream to be honest and that It happened so long ago. I keep looking at the photographs and reliving all the memories. A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!!

2. I bought a new car
Something I never thought I would say is that I was able to go and by a car a two year old car. I have never had a car so young before - not that I have been driving for that long. I am so proud of my beautiful Ford Fiesta Zetec.

3. I saw my mum graduate
This has to be one of my proudest moments of the year. My mum has spent so many years working hard to achieve her dreams of having a degree and she finally did it! Watching her walk across that stage and collect her degree had me in tears, I was so proud I could have burst and the same has been true everyday since.

4. Started getting my hair done at the hairdressers again
2017 was the year I started getting my hair done professionally again! It had been a couple of years since I stopped getting my hair professionally coloured as I decided to go for the cheaper option and do it myself. That was until I decided to go to my very talented friend Niall who owns Art in Hair! It was the best decision I have ever made... my hair has never looked better!

5. Had lots of laughs
I can't lie 2017 did have its moments were it just wasn't perfect but it has to be said that for all of those moments there were so many great times where I laughed so much my tummy hurt! If 2018 is half as amazing as last year I will be one very lucky girl!

Those are my top five moments from 2017. I am welcoming 2018 in with open arms and I have decided that I'm not setting goals or anything like that this year! All I want for this year is to enjoy myself and make every second count.... oh and to get back into this blogging thing!

What were your top moments in 2017?

What a year it was and what a year it will be!