Life Update - #2


Portstewart, Northern Ireland, Happiness, Lifestyle, Catch Up, Life Update

Okay, so it's been a while since my first life update post but I thought it was about time I caught you up with what's going on in my life.

May has felt like the busiest month. I think it has something to do with there being two bank holidays and me taking annual leave throughout this month too. It just feels like I haven't had much of a chance to stop and take things in recently, so I think it's time to have a little evaluation!

Selfie, Me, Life Update, Lifestyle, Hair, Blondie

My Hair
As I am sure you have gathered by now my hair is a massive thing to me and I like to get it coloured regularly. I know some of my friends would like me to grow it out to my natural colour - whatever colour that might be these days I really don't know - but my love affair with being blonde isn't over. I managed to get a sneaky cancellation appointment with the best hairdresser in the world - really I'm not kidding - and got my hair brought back to a white blonde colour. I am in love!!

Weight Loss
So, around the middle of April I decided that I needed to change my eating habits. I workout at the gym between 2 and 3 times a week but I never adjusted my diet to suit working out, therefore, meaning I never really lost any weight. Now this was fine as my main reason for working out was to be healthier rather than lost weight but one day I decided that things needed change so that's what I did. I changed how much food I consumed in a day quite dramatically and began to make healthier choices. Combining this with working out has meant that I have seen some weight loss and to be honest I am really happy about that. I have a goal weight in mind and although I know we should all be happy with our bodies the way we are, I do think that we need to do what makes us feel better about ourselves mentally as well as physically. 

Disney Planning
I have become a slightly obsessive Disney vlog watcher. I want to get a good feel for the things I want to do when I visit the parks and this means gathering as much information as possible. I have also been posting some content on my blog regarding my upcoming Disney trip and there is lots more planned. Although we are going to be playing it somewhat by ear, I think it's important to know what you want to Fast Pass so you can get things booked as quickly as possible.

life update, wine, babel, Belfast, bloggers, catch up, lifestyle

Catch Ups
After spending quite a while trying to get a time organised to go and visit my beautiful friend Sophie - you might know her as Oh So Soph - it finally happened!! I popped myself onto a train to Belfast and we had the most glorious day. Shopping, eating, drinking and overall having a few laughs. I have known Sophie for a very long time now - since we were at school and we lived together at Uni for a few years too - and it's like nothing had ever changed. We have the best kind of friendship because no matter how much time comes between us it's like we have never spent a day apart!

There we go ... a little catch up for you all. There have been a few things going on with me - all will become clearer and settle itself soon, I hope - and this has meant that my posting has become sporadic again but there are ideas brewing around my head so I hope to have some more content on here soon!

No better time spent than time spent with friends!