How Molly Changed My Life


Molly, Dog, Lifestyle, Rescue, Changed, Life, Honest

I was looking through Bloglovin' the other day hoping to find inspiration for some blog posts and I came across a post that really got me thinking. The post was entitled 'Why Getting A Dog Changed My Life & Made Me A Better Person' and it is from the blog From Roses.  It made me think about how adopting my Molly has changed my life.

For any of you lovely lot who are new around here, on 23rd November 2018 I will have been lucky enough to have had Molly in my life for four years. We found each other at a local shelter and I have to tell you, it was love at first sight. If you want to know more about or beginning together you can read my first ever blog post here.

I can't lie, I'm not just a dog person, I am a dog obsessive. Some would say I have a problem but to be honest with you if that's what you call a problem then I couldn't be luckier! So.. how has Molly changed my life I hear you ask... well let me tell you!

Molly, Dog, Lifestyle, Rescue, Changed, Life, Honest

She Healed My Soul
When I decided to adopt Molly I was actually still in a relationship with my ex-boyfriend. I wasn't in the best place at that time and I had lost track of who I really was throughout the four years we were together. My relationship ended soon after I got Molly and she helped me find who I was again. I'm not sure how she did it but she instantly soothed my soul. Seeing how much she instantly loved me without needing me to change who I was, reminded me that I didn't need to compromise in the first place! 

She Taught Me Patience
It's a well known fact that I haven't always been a very patient person and there are lots of things that I'm still not very patient with it has to be said. However, having Molly in my life has shown me that there are times when you just have to be patient and let things happen. Teaching Molly her name (as she was called Katie when she came to live with me) and how to sit took time... it was a good life lesson for me!

She Loves Me For Me
One of the biggest things I have to thank my Molly for is that she taught me that I am fine just the way I am and to be honest I quite like who I am! She made me see that compromising who I am isn't going to do my mental state any good. The four years I have had Molly have been some of the best years of my life.

Molly, Dog, Lifestyle, Rescue, Changed, Life, Honest

She Shows Me True Loyalty
Loyalty isn't something that there is much of in this day and age... except when it comes to Molly. Her loyalty really knows no bounds. She sticks to my like glue, even if that means she's not with the rest of her four legged friends. She waits patiently for my return from work knowing exactly what time I come home. She is never far away and as soon as I call her name she appears. She is the most loyal baby anybody could wish to have.

She Keeps Me Sane and Focused
Daily life isn't always sunshine and buttercups as much as we want it to be! Tiredness and general moaning and groaning can bring anybody down but I have to tell you there is no mood I am in that cannot be fixed when I walk into a room and my Molly comes straight up to me with a big grin on her face - yes she can grin - a wagging tail and paws away at me for attention. She melts my heart every time and I realise that there is nothing in life that I can't conquer with her by my side!

I know it can sound strange to say that my dog is my world but she is! It's so hard to put into words how much I adore her but I do, I never knew I could love another living creature as much as I do Molly. I thought the love I have for my family would be the most incomprehensible love that I would experience but I was wrong. My love for Molly is endless and I just know she feels the same way about me!

My four legged friend as made me a better person and for that I can never thank her enough!

Tell me about your pets - what have they done for you?

The love of a dog is a powerful thing....