The Disney Series 2018


Walt Disney World, Disney, Florida, Theme Park, Holiday, Travel, Series, Tips, Lifestyle

So it is official! In August 2018 (which is this year... YAY) I am going to Walt Disney World in Florida. I really cannot tell you how excited I am.. it's quite unreal. 

I think it's important to mention here that I have been to Walt Disney World three times before. When I was 5, 9 and when I was 12. I feel so blessed to have been before but unfortunately I don't remember much of my experiences... only what has been recorded on family video.

So, you better believe that this time I will have done my research, I will have decided what I want to go on and where I want to eat and it's all going to be amazing... I really do feel sorry for my poor parents, they have no idea what they are in for! (luckily they don't really mind)

I have decided that I want to start doing some Disney inspired posts on my blog but I need your help... what kind of posts would you like to see?

I am already thinking of how I booked my tickets, what things I want to do in each park along with my thoughts on eating when we are there and not spending a fortune. I will also be doing some content when I return but I just can't wait... I need to get into the Disney spirit now.

I would love it you would leave me a comment below with the kind of things that you would like me to cover and if you have any questions I can answer them if I can or even do a Q&A?

I will put the disclaimer out there now that I am not a Disney blogger and I am not as dedicated to the Disney world as some people out there but I do love the parks, the movies (some of the older ones especially) and just the general magic!

I also love travelling and have been flying since I was 5 to quite a few different places. This time we are taking my 87year old Great Uncle and my 80year old Great Aunt with us... could be a challenge but we can make it work!

As a little side note I am also going to Universal to see the Wizarding World of Harry Potter so feel free so ask away about that too!

So to sum up incase my excited rambling has resulted in you losing the point to this post, this is to introduce you to the fact that Canines and Cosmetics will have a little Disney Series popping up every now and then. I want you to guide me with what you want to see and feel the magic!

EEEEEEE.... it's only 97 days to go as I write this....

There's magic in the air!