Eyebrows, they have really taken off over the years haven't they? All of a sudden everyone wants to have perfectly shaped brows and they are being dyed and tinted - sometimes they look much better than most peoples hairdos!
Things Thursday #36
It's been a while since I have written a Things Thursday post but I thought it would be nice to bring them back as they have always been fun to put together.
Random Facts #2 - I Can Sing
So I know I promised this would be a weekly feature but things happen. At least I'm back again and this time it's all about singing. Did you know I can sing?
Life Update - #1
So what has been going on in my life I hear you ask? Well I thought now that I am giving this blogging thing another go that I would do a little life update series on the blog and try and keep you in the loop about my - not so exiting - life!