Estee Lauder - Modern Muse Nuit


Estee Lauder, Modern Muse Nuit, Modern Muse, Perfume

I really hope you can all forgive me for yet another Estee Lauder post but I had to tell you about this perfume. I have been using it for over a month now and I am falling in love with it even more, every time I use it.

What's Been Going On?


Candle, Personal, Catch Up, Life, Lifestyle

I thought it was about time that I sat down and had a little catch up with you all. It's been quite a while since I have written one of these posts and that's quite a shame I think. It's always good to know what's going on - isn't it?

Estee Lauder Colour Envy Palette

Estee Lauder, Palette, Eyeshadow, Makeup, Beauty, Review

Okay, so you don't have to tell me that my last few posts on the blog have been a little Estee Lauder heavy. I do apologise for that but I have just been loving the products that I picked up in my gift set from the brand a few weeks ago. For me if it's something I love, then I have to tell you all about them.

Skincare Saturday - The Products I've Been Trying Out


Estee Lauder, Skincare, Beauty, Night Routine, Cream, Serum, Cleansing Foam

Skincare is something that I always struggle with. I don't know why or what it is about it that I find so difficult but  for some reason I just wash my face and put on some cream - if we are lucky - and that's it.

Friday Favourites - Edition 8


Dogs, Favourites, Lists, Weekly, Personal, Thoughts

First off I have to apologise for a few things. One for being so bad at posting lately but life has just gotten so busy I barely have time to think. I need to sit down and write a catch up to you guys soon - if you would want to read that, My second main apology is that I have used another picture of Molly as my picture for this series. I just can't help myself she is so utterly adorable and one of the main things that keeps me calm in life. Anyway, shall we get into this?