Photowall - A Lockdown DIY Project - #AD #Gifted


wallpaper, decorating, DIY, Photowall, ad, gifted

This is such a strange time we are all in. We can't make any proper plans and the majority of us are now at home everyday, either working or keeping distanced from others. I am working from home and during my tea and lunch breaks I am finding myself wondering around my house looking at each of the rooms and thinking of how I want them to look and what projects I want to take on

It's Been a While... a Reintroduction!

Rachel, blogger, selfie, selfportrait, iphone11, portrait mode


I feel like I should be introducing myself again, as it has been a very long time since something new appeared around here. I am not even going to begin to come up with a raft of excuses to explain why as it's very simple. Life happened.

New Chapters

Molly, Dog, New Chapters, New Beginnings, Lifestyle

It seems that all I do these days is begin posts with "not sure why I haven't been posting" or "it's been a while" or other such phrases close to that. All of these things apply again as I haven't posted on here since March 20th. Except this time, I do know why.

Disney Series #13 - Disney's Hollywood Studios - Part 1


Walt Disney World, Disney, Florida, Orlando, 2018, Hollywood Studios

Ah Hollywood Studios! It's always been my least favourite of all the Walt Disney World parks I have been to. It's not that it isn't a great park to visit, as the theming is wonderful and completely different to the other parks, it just doesn't have the same appeal to me. That being said, there are things that I love in it so we ventured back when we went in 2018.

My Reverse Bucket List... So Far


lifestyle, bucket list, reverse, personal,

I was looking through lists of blog post ideas I had written down and I had made a note about a reverse bucket list. I had first seen this on Golly Miss Holly's blog and loved the idea. I think it's so lovely to focus on the things you have done rather than the things you haven't. It's nice to have goals but it's also nice to look back over the achievements you have already.