It's Been a While... a Reintroduction!

Rachel, blogger, selfie, selfportrait, iphone11, portrait mode


I feel like I should be introducing myself again, as it has been a very long time since something new appeared around here. I am not even going to begin to come up with a raft of excuses to explain why as it's very simple. Life happened.

I do however, want to get back into blogging and we appear to be in the right time - not even going to mention the current global meltdown - for me to get back in to creating content that I hope you will all want to read.

As this is my first post since June 2019, I feel that I should probably begin with a short update - maybe more of an introduction - so if there are any of you lovely readers still left, then you know who I am and where I am in life.

Who Am I?

My name is Rachel but I prefer to be called Rach, Rachy. To some people, I am Peach or Pea. I am a 28 year old Northern Irish lass, who lives in her own house with her two elderly dogs. I work full time for the Health Service as a Systems Manager and I love beauty, movies, tv, Disney, photography and such things like that. 

What Is The Blog?

I started this blog in 2014 - It was then called A Double Jointed Girl and Her Dog. It was going to be a place where I would talk about all the things I loved in life, particularly my dog, Molly. Over time I felt that although the name still represented me it was such a mouthful and not what I wanted to go by anymore. I toyed with using my own name but if I'm honest, that didn't exactly get my creative juices flowing either. So after a little bit of thought and some not so great options, in March 2017, I settled on Canines and Cosmetics. 

In this little corner of the internet be prepared to be bombarded with various pieces of content, that appear sometimes in a consistent manner and sometimes not so much. I like to write about the things that make me happy. Sometimes this is reviewing products and letting you know if I love them or not. I also like my beautiful furbabies to make regular appearances on here as well as Disney content. From me expect a little bit of everything.

What's Going On?

Well since I last posted a few things have happened but there has been nothing overly major. The last post I put up was to tell you all that I had bought myself a lovely three bed terraced house and had moved in with Molly. Well I moved into the house in June 2019 and have been here about 10 months now. It feels like I have been here for years. There are so many projects that I want to do but it all takes time and my house feels like my own little haven and I love it.

dog, Jack Russell terrier, dog, fur baby, small dog, pet, rescue dog

Something that I am sure you are all very aware from my Instagram is that I adopted another dog. 6th July 2019, the local dog shelter put up an advert regarding a Jack Russell Terrier that was desperately seeking a new home. She was called Marnie and wasn't really loving kennel life. I saw the ad, as did my parents and they convinced me to go and take a look. 

Now, anyone who knows me at all, knows that just taking a look is never going to be an option. As soon as I saw her I fell in love, I took her for a walk with Molly and that was it. She had to be mine, so I adopted her.  I usually always change the name of the dogs I rescue and I really didn't think she suited Marnie so that was when I decided she would forever known as Rosie. She is 13 years old but do not be fooled. She is a little pocket rocket, full of energy and lots of love.

Not much else has been going on with me, just been working away and trying to make my house a home. I have really neglected the blog but I just never felt that creative and didn't want to force content for the sake of it. It will always be here and whether 1 person or 100 people read these posts, I still love writing them.

Well there we have it a little catch up post from me as my starter back into putting up content. I do have some ideas of what I want to post and a brand has asked me to review a product of theres also, which despite the times we are in I hope you are all okay with.

How have you all been? 
Leave me a comment below and let me know below.

New Year, New Content, Same Me