Photowall - A Lockdown DIY Project - #AD #Gifted


wallpaper, decorating, DIY, Photowall, ad, gifted

This is such a strange time we are all in. We can't make any proper plans and the majority of us are now at home everyday, either working or keeping distanced from others. I am working from home and during my tea and lunch breaks I am finding myself wondering around my house looking at each of the rooms and thinking of how I want them to look and what projects I want to take on

This is where PhotoWall come in. They got in touch with me to discuss the idea of a DIY project that I could take on during this lockdown period. They offered to send me one of their products from their website in exchange for a fair and honest review - lets be honest thought do I ever do anything but fair and honest?

As I have only been in my house for 10 months there are still so many things that I want to do to it. I am taking my time as everything costs money - obviously - and I don't want to make rash decisions on anything. With this in mind, I took a wonder round the house and tried to think of what kind of DIY project I would like to undertake and I immediately thought that it would be nice to add a feature wall to my dining room. 

To give you all an idea, my living room and dining room are somewhat open plan. They are connected by an open arch but they are very much two separate rooms. I have already added paint to the fire brace to make it grey and I have a similar brace wall in my dining room but I thought that to keep with the idea that each room has its own personality it needed something different. I hadn't originally thought of wallpaper but when I started to browse the PhotoWall website the idea started to appeal to me more.

I was very impressed by the PhotoWall website. I can find that when I am looking for home interior ideas, websites can be hard to navigate and unless I know exactly what I'm looking for I usually find myself giving up and not getting anything. 

This website was very different however, the sections of the website were all separated out and there are creative sections to get your ideas flowing, which really helped me think out how I wanted the dining room wall to look. What was also very interesting, is that PhotoWall offer custom wallpapers and prints. You can have your wallpaper created with a photo of your own or you can choose one that they have on their site. 

I have to admit picking an item was one of the hardest things for me. There is so much choice available that I could have very easily ordered one of everything. I wanted to find something that would make my room feel bigger and also have a pattern so it would be interesting - not an easy thing to do. I did almost purchase a giant skull but thought that it may scare visitors off and lead them to believe I was keeping a secret cult upstairs. With all of this in mind, I settled for a bright off white wallpaper with a feather print on it.

Ordering my product was something that impressed me. They ask you for the measurements of your wall - with an extra 10cm added on to give you a margin of error. They then show you what of the print will fit within your measurements and you move it around until you are happy with it. Once you are you complete your order and it is sent off to be printed.

wallpaper, decorating, DIY, Photowall, ad, gifted

Once it arrived - which can I add was within a few days, exceptional - what impressed me the most was the minimalist and environmentally friendly packaging. It came in a cardboard box, the wallpaper came wrapped in beautiful paper and they provide wallpaper past in a paper bag. You are also provided detailed instructions, which for a non DIY-er like myself is a blessing.

Now to the important part - putting it up on the wall. I can't lie but I was slightly concerned about this part. I am not known for my DIY skills and the last time my mum and I put up some wallpaper it was somewhat tricky. Anything with a pattern can prove to be quite tedious when it comes to matching up the edges but what I wasn't to know was how easy PhotoWall would make the whole process.

I began by reading the instructions that were supplied on a step by step A4 page. It instructed me to make up the wallpaper paste - which was supplied. In hindsight I probably should have only made up half the amount supplied as I could have worked out the area needed, however, I made the entire amount but again, I do not proclaim to be any good at this DIY thing.

wallpaper, Photowall, gifted, ad, DIY

Once the paste was ready to go and I had concluded that I did not have all the recommended utensils I set about rolling out the wallpaper. I was pleasantly surprised to see that each panel was numbered in the order they had to go up on the wall. They also came printed with cutting edges for where I should separate each panel out. It meant that I could cut them all in advance which made putting them on the wall much quicker.

Matching each panel up was much easier than I had anticipated thanks to the correct measurements being provided based on the figures I had input when ordering. Another thing that impressed me greatly was the quality of the product. Some wallpapers can come on quite thin paper and it is very unforgiving when put on the walls. This however was printed on quite thick paper, which evened out beautifully and covered bumps and cracks on my wall brilliantly.

wallpaper, decorating, DIY, Photowall, ad, gifted

I have to admit that when I was finished that I was extremely impressed with everything. The print worked perfectly on my wall and looked fantastic. I loved the fact that it came measured to size meant that none of the feathered pattern was omitted.

Having gone through the whole experience with PhotoWall I could not recommend them more. They have such a huge selection of prints to choose from it would be almost impossible not to find something that you like.

Now don't get me wrong I am under no illusion that PhotoWall offers products with a hefty price tag. I myself was quite shocked at what I would have paid had I not been gifted. However, my justification is that the quality of the product is worth the price.

They have every possible query worked out and give you all the answers that you could need. It does not take much of your time or a lot of effort to produce something quite striking within your home. I am in no doubt that when all of this is over and I am allowed visitors back in my home, everyone will be asking and commenting about this wallpaper. It has transformed my dining room and I could not be happier.
wallpaper, decorating, DIY, Photowall, ad, gifted

The people at PhotoWall have also very kindly provided me with a discount code for all of you lovely readers which will allow you to be able to get a 25% discount on any product of your choice from the website and this will be valid until the end of May 2020.
All you have to do is enter caninesandcosmetics2020 at checkout.

. I know this is an uncertain time and not a great time for spending money but if you had planned on a little makeover then I can thoroughly recommend this company for their products.

We all need a project or two...