New Chapters

Molly, Dog, New Chapters, New Beginnings, Lifestyle

It seems that all I do these days is begin posts with "not sure why I haven't been posting" or "it's been a while" or other such phrases close to that. All of these things apply again as I haven't posted on here since March 20th. Except this time, I do know why.

Since I left University - which will be 5 years ago on July 4th - I have always known that I wanted to buy a house of my own. Moving back with my parents after four years out on my own was just so strange. I don't think it matters what age you are, when you live with your parents, you always feel like a child. You always feel like you have to justify where you are going, who you are going with and what you are doing. 

I couldn't just go straight out and buy a house as for the first year after university I wasn't working - for various reasons - and when I did gain employment it was for 3 months on a temporary contract. I am very proud and pleased to say that 3 years later I am still with the same employer in a permanent position and a grade higher than when I started so I think the saying every cloud applies in this instance.

Once I landed the permanent job that's when I was spurred on to go and investigate this house thing further. I finally got approval from my bank to go ahead and look at properties as it was more than likely they would give me a mortgage - so off I went.

This is where the link to not posting on here comes in. I only viewed two houses. The first one was a complete non starter. The second, well I walked round it on March 1st 2019 and I fell utterly in love. It was a three bed mid-terrace property. It had life, it had charm, it had everything Molly and I needed. So on March 3rd I made an offer and it was accepted within 30 minutes. 

From then on my focus shifted to mortgages, solicitors, land deeds, rate bills, electricity and generally  being an adult. I finally got my keys on June 7th so it took just over two months for everything to happen. It doesn't sound long but for me it felt like the longest wait of my entire life.

Now I am sat here in the office (it was the third bedroom) of my very own property, where I now live with Molly and plan on making the greatest memories as we start the next chapter in our lives.

My office space is hopefully going to allow me the freedom to shoot photographs and write more content as the space feels creative. It is full of all the things that I love.

I am so excited to fill my house with love and laughter and I hope to put lots more content up here.

How have you all been?
Tell me all your exciting news :)

Here's to new chapters...