Make-Up For Beginners #9 - Base Tools
Welcome back to this wee series. It's been a while since I've posted a Make-Up For Beginners but I felt it was about time I shared some more of my top tips with you all. So here we go.. I hope you enjoy!
New In My Skincare
Ah skincare, it's something that I have such a love hate relationship with. I love how my skin feels when I complete the routine but getting the energy - especially at night - to carry it all out can be a right pain in the rear.
Sunshine and Happiness
Is there anything better than sunshine? I know for those who live in hot, sunny climates all year round that the appearance of the round golden thing in the sky isn't such a big deal. I can tell you though, for a little old girl like me from Northern Ireland, seeing the sun is practically a national event.
Garnier Micellar Gel Wash Review
If there is one thing I have to have in my beauty collection it's micellar water. It's the one product that I reach for the most as it's just so handy and has so many uses. When I saw that they had put it into a gel wash formula I got very excited, what could be better than my favourite product being in a face wash.
Sorry... Again
I think it's time that I said sorry to all you lovely people... again. I have become struck down with a serious case of bloggers guilt as I just haven't been posting. I thought the best way to get back into the swing of things would be to let you know what's been going on.