5 Thoughts I Have When Putting On My Makeup


Working full time has meant that everyday I have been applying my make-up and there are always some thoughts that go through my head during the process. It could be that it's early in the morning and I can't stop myself from thinking but I think they are worth telling you all about.

1. I should really have washed my brushes, bit late now but I probably should have!
Washing my make-up brushes is such a chore and I always tell myself i'm going to make the effort and do it and then I never do! What am I like?

2. Look at the mess of my white desk, how can one person make such a mess? 
Having white furniture is something I love as it makes my room seem so much cleaner. It can however, pose a great problem when I end up with a dusting of different coloured eyeshadows all over the desk!

3. Why is my winged eyeliner transferring all over my lid?
This is becoming a regular morning problem for me. My eyes tend to be very watery when I get up and my eyeliner in the inner corner transfers everywhere making a mess of my make-up! I spend longer trying to tidy it up than I do actually putting the make-up on!

4. Oh dear I think I went a bit heavy handed with that colour - that's not too good.
I wish I was a less is more kind of girl but it seems more is more is my attitude. I have never learnt that I can build the colour up and I always tend to go to heavy handed from the beginning - when will I ever learn?

5. Maybe I should try some new techniques? Hang on it's 7:30am, now is not the time!
I love experimenting with my make-up and the techniques I use. This being said I never seem to remember that leaving on time for work is much more important than practising at this time of the morning. At that time I need to get the face done and out of the house.

So now you have had an insight into the five thoughts that go through my head when I am doing my make-up in the morning.

What thoughts go through your head?

So many thoughts, not enough brainpower!