If we are connected on social media or you have been so kind to read my last dog related post you will know that we lost one of our furbabies this year. This left a rather large hole in our life, we just didn't know how to cope with three dogs. We were so used to four. There was only one thing for it - off to the shelters we went.
Lush Rub Rub Rub - Review
I have been wanting to place a Lush order for the longest time but I just never got round to it - mainly because I always found it so hard to decide what I wanted to order. Ideally, I would have wanted to go up to my local store in Belfast but unfortunately that never seemed to happen either.
Losing a Pet is Never Easy
Although this was never going to be an easy post to write, or even one that you all wanted to read, I felt that it was something that I needed to put down into words for you all. If what is written in this post can even help one of you through the loss of a pet, then it's done exactly what I wanted it to do.