I know it's such a cliche but I am going to say it anyway, I cannot believe that we have come to the end of 2016. This year feels like it has flown by for me and I have to say it has been a mixed bag of emotions and general life stuff.
I Just Love It - Gift Of Giving Campagin
First off I have to say how excited I am to be even writing this post, as I never thought I would be able to collaborate with a brand and a beautiful blogger at the same time. Amy from Amy Evans Blog nominated me to take part in the Gift of Giving campaign with I Just Love It.
Friday Favourites - Edition 9
Well hasn't it been a while since I wrote one of these posts? It's been four weeks to be exact - not sure if you really care about the exact time or if I should even be pointing that out but I have now so there we go.
5 Thoughts I Have When Putting On My Makeup
Working full time has meant that everyday I have been applying my make-up and there are always some thoughts that go through my head during the process. It could be that it's early in the morning and I can't stop myself from thinking but I think they are worth telling you all about.