Photowall - A Lockdown DIY Project - #AD #Gifted


wallpaper, decorating, DIY, Photowall, ad, gifted

This is such a strange time we are all in. We can't make any proper plans and the majority of us are now at home everyday, either working or keeping distanced from others. I am working from home and during my tea and lunch breaks I am finding myself wondering around my house looking at each of the rooms and thinking of how I want them to look and what projects I want to take on

It's Been a While... a Reintroduction!

Rachel, blogger, selfie, selfportrait, iphone11, portrait mode


I feel like I should be introducing myself again, as it has been a very long time since something new appeared around here. I am not even going to begin to come up with a raft of excuses to explain why as it's very simple. Life happened.