Life Update #3


lifestyle, life post, update, me, personal, blogger

So I think it's about time I gave you all a little life update and let you know what's going on with me!

The Job Front
Well the first thing is that after two years in my role (which was temporary) I am now a permanent member of staff. It has involved a change to my job role and learning new things but so far I am loving it. I am so happy to have some job security and finally feel like I can make more firm plans with my life as I know I have money coming in regularly.

Motivation... Or Lack There Of...
As is the same old story with me I'm not sure where my motivation has gone. I seem to be getting into my Instagram more (not that my follower growth reflects that but sure, it's not all about numbers) and thinking of things I can put on my blog less. I know that with my upcoming Disney holiday I am going to have lots of things to post on here and I was considering doing a real-time diary for you all when I am there ... if you would be interested? I just can't seem to find consistency with my blog or find things that ignite that spark in me to post. I really want this to change though...

The Heat...
I don't mean to sound like a grump but I am a pasty white Northern Irish girl and I cannot function as a human in this incredibly hot weather that we are having! Don't get me wrong I enjoy the sunshine when I am on holiday and I don't have to try and use my brain in work. I don't think I was ever so happy to see the cooler weather!

Holiday Planning
I think my parents are sick of hearing me talk about our Disney holiday (I think I should add that it's not really a Disney holiday it's a family holiday to Florida, where we are visiting Disney! Ooops!) as I have become a tad obsessed. I just want to make so many memories and I cannot wait to immerse myself in all things Disney again. I have been thinking about the rides that I want to go on in each park and identifying which ones I will try and get fast passes for. My fast pass day opens on 13th of July but we won't be heading to the park until 15th August so I will have to wait a couple of days before I can begin the booking. Need to get a planning spreadsheet on the go!

General Life
Life is generally really good at the moment. It feels like everything is coming together for me and I can begin a new chapter soon as I am looking in to see if it will be possible for me to buy my own home. Something I have wanted for a while now. Of course with a new home comes more canine friends and lots of home decor. Sometimes life just takes its time to form into what it really wants to be!

So there we go... a little life update for you all! How have you all been?
Let me know how things have been with you :)

Everyday brings a new adventure...