I have often wondered what I would say if I was given the opportunity to speak to the person I used to be a few years ago. I thought that I would write it down as an inspiration that even when you think things are stale or stuck in one place, there is always a chance that it will get better.
Dear Past Me...
I know right now things seem impossible and like they will never change for the better but I'm here to tell you otherwise. I just want to let you know that the person you are today is not the person you are destined to become. Right now, for whatever reason, you have allowed yourself to become a former shadow of that girl who used to exist but don't stress about it, it's okay, these things happen and all you need to do is to truly find who you are and who you want to be.
Don't worry about that feeling you have where it seems like a dark cloud follows you around, bringing down your mood. You just need to be free of what weighs heavy on your shoulders. Life seems so uncertain but I can promise you it will all become clearer. Just keep in mind that the path you think you should follow is not where you should go.
Right now I know those around you are trying to guide you, to help you change your ways but you don't want to hear it. That's okay too. Sometimes we need to discover our paths on our own. You will never lose those who truly love you. In fact they will remain by your side and your bonds will go stronger each and every day!
Always keep in mind that if you truly follow your heart you will end up where you need to be. You will find the confidence to be who you really are. Although it will be hard at first, you will find your inner strength and accomplish all those things you never thought you could.
I know right now you are unemployed and finding that perfect role seems so hard. Don't panic. Let yourself heal both mentally and physically. Please don't think you won't find a job you can see as a career, or be any good at it because you will! It will not be what you ever imagined but the people you meet will improve your life and let you see how much you love your work.
You will also see some of those places you never thought you would and not only will you pass your driving test but you will own a car you love and are proud of. The things you never thought would happen or would ever be possible will be. Don't let yourself hold you back.
Never be afraid to be yourself, never hide who you are. Being who you are is what makes you unique and its up to other people to like that or move on. You do not need to compromise the integrity of who you are. There is a difference between give and take and doing things others want to do, if it's returned.
Always remember that if times get tough, they will get better and the person you will be in a few years will make you proud. When you see how far you have come it will all be worth it!
Love, Future You. x