Random Facts #1 - I Love Irish Dancing


Irish Dancing, Random Fact, Love, Regret

I'm sure you all saw the Random Facts tag that did the round on Instagram recently, which I was tagged in by the lovely Gillian. That got me to thinking that it would be a pretty interesting - or maybe not so interesting, depending on your view - series to do on the blog. One random fact a week, so here we are!

My Top Ten Disney Songs


Disney, Music, Disney Music, Magical, Favourites, List, Lifestyle

Who doesn't love Disney? I find it so hard not to smile and feel all warm inside even if I'm just thinking about the magic of Disney. One of the most memorable things about Disney is the fantastic music that comes in their movies.

St Moriz Fast Tan Fix - First Impressions


St Moriz, Fake Tan, Tanning, Products, Beauty, Reviews

I don't always use fake tan cause lets face it, it can be way more hassle than it's worth. That being said however, when I do tan I love it! There is nothing better than having a bronzed glow about you, it just makes you feel so much healthier.

Hello 2018....


Alfie, 2018, New Year, Recap, Old Year, Lifestyle

Well goodness me hasn't this taken me a rather long time to write and post!!
I can't believe I am saying this but we are in 2018 already... how the hell did that happen. Where on earth did 2017 go? Everything seemed to go past in such a blur but there are some great things that happened.