25 Things For Being 25


Me, Birthday, Lifestyle, Lessons

It's been quite a while since I put up a wee post here with everything that's been going on but I thought that as today is my birthday it would be a good time to take a reflective look back at the past 25 years I have been alive and the things that I have learnt.

Top Tips For Training Your Dog - Revisited


Dog, Training, Tips, Hints, Advice,

During the migration to all things Canines and Cosmetics I managed to delete an old post of mine that I rather liked - Top Tips For Training Your Dog. I took this as a sign that I should re-write it as almost a year on I feel like I have lots more experience to offer you all.

Same Blog... New Name


New, Name, Blog, Canines, Cosmetics, Blog

First things first, welcome back everyone. My little blog was offline for a few weeks until I was happy with it again and a big part of that was changing the name. As you can see we are no longer under the name A Double Jointed Girl and Her Dog. We now go by Canines and Cosmetics!