Barry M Matte Me Up Lip Kits


Barry M Cosmetics, Matte Me Up, Lip Kits, Liquid Lip, Lip Pencil, Make-Up, Beauty

Thanks to one of those ever appearing Kardashian/Jenner people lip kits are all the rage. They are quite a simple idea actually, of combining the perfect lip liner and liquid lipstick in one handy little box. I don't know about you and I am aware that I could be alone in this idea but the more people clammer for an item I seem to take a step back from it!

It's Time For a Chat...


Lily pond, Central Park, NYC, life, catchup, lifestyle, chat

It's been a while hasn't it? I'm not just talking about since I posted but actually since I sat down and typed a chatty post to you all. Sometimes I just like to get out everything I have been feeling recently. All you lovely people who read my posts and leave me beautiful comments act like my therapists and help me see my life in a totally different perspective.