Living With a Clingy Dog


Clingy, Dogs, Pets, Clingy, Rescue Dogs, What to Expect, Love,

After a quick Twitter survey I have come to the conclusion that you all quite like hearing about my beautiful spaniel-cross Molly. I have written many, many posts about her which you can find in the lifestyle section of this blog - if you are so inclined to read them.

Top Tips - New York City


New York City, Top Tips, Advice, Travel, USA, America,

This post has been a long time coming - mostly because I has taken me so long to put it together since I put up my 9/11 Post. It's here now though and I thought it would be good to put together my top tips for New York City for you all.

9/11.. Never Forget


9/11, New York City, Memorial, Twin Towers, America, Museum

So as some of you may know - I only mentioned it once or twice - but recently I spent a week in New York City on a family holiday. When we were there one of the main things that we all wanted to do was visit the 9/11 memorial and museum. As today is the anniversary of September 11th, I thought it would be the perfect time to put a post together of my photos and thoughts from my day remembering those who lost their lives on 9/11.